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Sing it!
Sucking to hard on your lollipop
Oh, loves gonna get you down

這是近來我很喜歡的一支MV,普普卡通風格,色彩繽紛且鮮豔。畫面極具動感,讓人都忍不住跟著節拍擺動身子。村上隆過去和LV合作過兩支動畫短片,《Superflat Monogram》和《Superflat First Love》,一樣也是充滿色彩和普普風,還加上house配樂,很討喜,很時尚,但總感覺缺乏點活力和創意,Lollipop就沒有這層缺憾,雖然相比之下俗了點,但勁道十足,是一部真正能打動人心的動畫作品。


Relax, Take It Easy

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Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.



Love Today

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I've been crying for so long,
Fighting tears just to carry on,
But now, but now, it's gone away.



We Are Golden

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Teenage dreams in a teenage circus
Running around like a clown on purpose
Who gives a damn about the family you come from?
No giving up when you're young and you want some



Blame it on the girls

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blame it on the girls who know what to do
blame it on the boys who keep hitting on you
blame it on your mother for the things she said
blame it on your father but you know he's dead

比主打歌We Are Golden還受歡迎的第二波主打。MV導演可能有野心嘗試一鏡到底的拍攝手法,可惜一鏡到底畢竟不只要靠導演本身的技藝,演員配合也是相當重要的一環,中間不能出任何差錯,否則前面的辛苦都要白費。這支MV中間剪接了兩三次,大都斷在舞群起舞的地方,可見其難處。一鏡到底的歌舞片?有這個可能性嗎?希望以後有人願意接受這個嚴苛的挑戰。


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