此簡單小程式擁有記事本的基本功能,文件的開啟、修改和儲存;剪貼簿的剪下、複製和貼上;還有挺陽春的搜尋和取代功能。雖然這些都很基本,但還是花了不少時間,且經常陷入瓶頸,不得不說,網路上的幾份技術文件真的幫了大忙,尤其是http://www.bravegnu.org/gtktext,多虧他的幾份有關複製貼上和搜尋的解說和完整程式範例,否則真不之從何下手。感謝Vijay Kumar!
完整程式碼 + 執行檔:
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#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include "support.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "interface.h" const gchar *gSearchWord ; void on________n_1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) { GtkTextBuffer *buffer; buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview)); gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, "", 0); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (data->window), utf8("新文件")); } void on________o_1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) { //GtkWidget *dialog = create_file_chooser_open_dialog (GTK_WINDOW(window)); GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new ("Open File", GTK_WINDOW(data->window), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_OPEN, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { char *filename; filename = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog)); open_file (filename, GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview)); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (data->window), filename); g_free (filename); } gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); } void on________s_1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) // 儲存檔案 { GtkWidget *dialog; dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new ("Save File", GTK_WINDOW(data->window), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_SAVE, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); gtk_file_chooser_set_do_overwrite_confirmation (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), TRUE); if (0)//user_edited_a_new_document) { gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), "NEW.txt");//default_folder_for_saving); gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), "Untitled document"); } else gtk_file_chooser_set_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), "OLD.txt");//filename_for_existing_document); if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { char *filename; filename = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog)); save_to_file (filename, GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview)); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (data->window), filename); g_free (filename); } gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); } void on______________a_1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) { } void on________q_1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) // 離開 { gtk_widget_destroy(data->window); } void on________t_1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) // 剪下 { GtkTextBuffer *buffer; GtkClipboard *clipboard; // 若GDK_NONE不行就換GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get( GDK_NONE ); // 取得反白選取的部份 buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview)); // 取得整個編輯緩衝區 gtk_text_buffer_cut_clipboard (buffer, clipboard, TRUE); // 將反白選取的部份剪下到剪貼簿 } void on________c_1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) // 複製 { GtkTextBuffer *buffer; GtkClipboard *clipboard; clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get( GDK_NONE ); // 取得反白選取的部份 buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview)); // 取得整個編輯緩衝區 gtk_text_buffer_copy_clipboard (buffer, clipboard); // 將反白選取的部份複製到剪貼簿 } void on________p_1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) // 貼上 { GtkTextBuffer *buffer; GtkClipboard *clipboard; clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get( GDK_NONE ); // 取得反白選取的部份 buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview)); // 取得整個編輯緩衝區 gtk_text_buffer_paste_clipboard (buffer, clipboard, NULL, TRUE); // 將剪貼簿的內容貼到指定區域 } void on________d_1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) // 刪除 { GtkTextBuffer *buffer; buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview)); // 取得整個編輯緩衝區 gtk_text_buffer_delete_selection (buffer, TRUE, TRUE); // 將反白選取的部份刪除 } void on_about1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) // 開啟關於dialog { GtkWidget *dialog1_information = create_dialog1_information (); gtk_widget_show (dialog1_information); gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog1_information)); gtk_widget_destroy (dialog1_information); } void on_mainfile1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) // 開啟main.c { char *filename; filename = "..\\src\\main.c"; open_file (filename, GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview)); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (data->window), filename); g_free (filename); } void on_interfacefile1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) // 開啟interface.c { char *filename; filename = "..\\src\\support.c"; open_file (filename, GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview)); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (data->window), filename); g_free (filename); } void on_callbacksfile1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) // 開啟callbacks.c { char *filename; filename = "..\\src\\callbacks.c"; open_file (filename, GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview)); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (data->window), filename); g_free (filename); } void on_quit1_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, AD data) // 離開 { } void on_search_button_clicked (GtkWidget *search_button, AD data) // 搜尋按鈕的功能 { const gchar *text = ""; GtkTextBuffer *buffer; GtkTextIter iter; int result = 0 ; GtkWidget *search_dialog = create_search_dialog (data); gtk_widget_show (search_dialog); //result = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (search_dialog)); //gtk_widget_destroy (search_dialog); } void on_search_cancelbutton_clicked (GtkWidget *button, gpointer search_dialog) // 銷毀search dialog { gtk_widget_destroy (search_dialog); } void on_search_okbutton_clicked (GtkWidget *search_button, AD data) // 搜尋按鈕的功能,可連續搜尋 { const gchar *text = "e"; GtkTextBuffer *buffer; GtkTextIter iter; GtkTextMark *last_pos; int result = 0 ; gboolean found = FALSE; data->searchWord = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (data->entry)); // 取得輸入欄的字串 buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview)); last_pos = gtk_text_buffer_get_mark (buffer, "last_pos"); // 查看有無last_pos的mark if (last_pos == NULL) gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &iter); // 若無,就從頭搜尋 else gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (buffer, &iter, last_pos); // 若有,就從最後一個last_pos的後面開始搜尋 found = find (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview), data->searchWord, &iter); if (!found) gtk_text_buffer_delete_mark (buffer, last_pos); // 搜尋到最後可回到起點重新搜尋 } void on_next_button_clicked (GtkWidget *next_button, GdkEventKey *event, AD data) // 按下『F3』找下一個符合字串 // *因為無法把searchWord正確傳遞,所以無法正常使用此函式。 { const gchar *text; GtkTextBuffer *buffer; GtkTextMark *last_pos; GtkTextIter iter; if ( !strcmp( gdk_keyval_name( event->keyval ), "F3" ) ) { text = "e" ; // 預設搜尋e //text = data->searchWord; buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview)); last_pos = gtk_text_buffer_get_mark (buffer, "last_pos"); if (last_pos == NULL) gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &iter); // 若無,就從頭搜尋 else gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (buffer, &iter, last_pos); //find (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview), text, &iter); find (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview), text, &iter); } } void on_replace_button_clicked (GtkWidget *replace_button, AD data) // 搜尋按鈕的功能 { const gchar *text = ""; GtkTextBuffer *buffer; GtkTextIter iter; int result = 0 ; GtkWidget *replace_dialog = create_replace_dialog (data); gtk_widget_show (replace_dialog); //result = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (search_dialog)); //gtk_widget_destroy (search_dialog); } void on_replace_cancelbutton_clicked (GtkWidget *button, gpointer replace_dialog) // 銷毀replace dialog { gtk_widget_destroy (replace_dialog); } void on_replace_okbutton_clicked (GtkWidget *replace_button, AD data) // 取代按鈕的功能,可連續取代 { const gchar *text = "e"; GtkTextBuffer *buffer; GtkTextIter iter; GtkTextMark *last_pos; int result = 0 ; data->searchWord = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (data->entry)); // 取得輸入欄的字串 data->replaceWord = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (data->entry2)); // 取得輸入欄的字串 buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview)); last_pos = gtk_text_buffer_get_mark (buffer, "last_pos"); // 查看有無last_pos的mark if (last_pos == NULL) gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter (buffer, &iter); // 若無,就從頭搜尋 else gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (buffer, &iter, last_pos); // 若有,就從最後一個last_pos的後面開始搜尋 replace (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (data->textview), data->searchWord, data->replaceWord, &iter); }
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/* * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is generated by Glade. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <glib.h> #include "support.h" gchar *utf8( const char *str ) // 解決無法顯示中文的窘境 { return g_locale_to_utf8( str, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); } gchar *fromUtf8( const char *str ) { return g_locale_from_utf8 (str, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); } void replace (GtkTextView *text_view, const gchar *text, const gchar *replaceText, GtkTextIter *iter) // 取代主函式 { GtkTextIter mstart, mend; GtkTextBuffer *buffer; gboolean found; GtkTextMark *last_pos; GtkClipboard *clipboard; buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (text_view)); found = gtk_text_iter_forward_search (iter, text, 0, &mstart, &mend, NULL); if (found) { clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get( GDK_NONE ); // 取得反白選取的部份 gtk_text_buffer_cut_clipboard (buffer, clipboard, TRUE); // 剪下選取的反白字串 gtk_clipboard_set_text (clipboard, replaceText, -1); // 將剪貼簿修改為replaceText gtk_text_buffer_select_range (buffer, &mstart, &mend); last_pos = gtk_text_buffer_create_mark (buffer, "last_pos", &mend, FALSE); // 註記起來 之後才可往下搜尋 gtk_text_view_scroll_mark_onscreen(text_view, last_pos); // 移動捲軸 可追蹤目前搜尋的位置 gtk_text_buffer_paste_clipboard (buffer, clipboard, &mend, TRUE); // 將剪貼簿的內容貼到指定區域 } } gboolean find (GtkTextView *text_view, const gchar *text, GtkTextIter *iter) // 搜尋主函式 { GtkTextIter mstart, mend; GtkTextBuffer *buffer; gboolean found; GtkTextMark *last_pos; buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (text_view)); found = gtk_text_iter_forward_search (iter, text, 0, &mstart, &mend, NULL); if (found) { gtk_text_buffer_select_range (buffer, &mstart, &mend); last_pos = gtk_text_buffer_create_mark (buffer, "last_pos", &mend, FALSE); // 註記起來 之後才可往下搜尋 gtk_text_view_scroll_mark_onscreen(text_view, last_pos); // 移動捲軸 可追蹤目前搜尋的位置 } return found ; } void open_file(gchar *filename, GtkTextView *textView) // 開啟文件檔並顯示在textview上 // 目前瓶頸:無法開啟UTF-16編碼的文件 { gchar *content, *content2, *ascii2utf8; gsize bytes, bytes_read, bytes_written; GError *error = NULL; GtkTextBuffer *buffer; buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textView)); g_file_get_contents (filename, &content, &bytes, &error); //g_file_set_contents ("TEST.txt", content, bytes, &error); //g_convert (content, -1, "UTF-16", "UTF-8", NULL, NULL, &error); ascii2utf8 = g_locale_to_utf8( content, -1, NULL, NULL, &error); if (error) // 若不能轉換,代表原本就是utf-8了 gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, content, -1); // 用來開UTF-8文件 else gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, ascii2utf8, -1); // 用來開ANSI文件 free (content); free (ascii2utf8); } void save_to_file(gchar *filename, GtkTextView *textView) // 將緩衝區的文字儲存到名為filename的檔案裡 { gchar *content; gsize bytes; GError *error = NULL; GtkTextBuffer *buffer; GtkTextIter start, end; buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textView)); gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer), &start, &end);/*取得開始和結束位置的Iter*/ content = gtk_text_buffer_get_text (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (buffer), &start, &end, FALSE);/*取得整份文字資料*/ g_file_set_contents (filename, content, -1, &error); } // ================以下為本來有的============== GtkWidget* lookup_widget (GtkWidget *widget, const gchar *widget_name) { GtkWidget *parent, *found_widget; for (;;) { if (GTK_IS_MENU (widget)) parent = gtk_menu_get_attach_widget (GTK_MENU (widget)); else parent = widget->parent; if (!parent) parent = (GtkWidget*) g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), "GladeParentKey"); if (parent == NULL) break; widget = parent; } found_widget = (GtkWidget*) g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget), widget_name); if (!found_widget) g_warning ("Widget not found: %s", widget_name); return found_widget; } static GList *pixmaps_directories = NULL; /* Use this function to set the directory containing installed pixmaps. */ void add_pixmap_directory (const gchar *directory) { pixmaps_directories = g_list_prepend (pixmaps_directories, g_strdup (directory)); } /* This is an internally used function to find pixmap files. */ static gchar* find_pixmap_file (const gchar *filename) { GList *elem; /* We step through each of the pixmaps directory to find it. */ elem = pixmaps_directories; while (elem) { gchar *pathname = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s", (gchar*)elem->data, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, filename); if (g_file_test (pathname, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) return pathname; g_free (pathname); elem = elem->next; } return NULL; } /* This is an internally used function to create pixmaps. */ GtkWidget* create_pixmap (GtkWidget *widget, const gchar *filename) { gchar *pathname = NULL; GtkWidget *pixmap; if (!filename || !filename[0]) return gtk_image_new (); pathname = find_pixmap_file (filename); if (!pathname) { g_warning (_("Couldnt find pixmap file: %s"), filename); return gtk_image_new (); } pixmap = gtk_image_new_from_file (pathname); g_free (pathname); return pixmap; } /* This is an internally used function to create pixmaps. */ GdkPixbuf* create_pixbuf (const gchar *filename) { gchar *pathname = NULL; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; GError *error = NULL; if (!filename || !filename[0]) return NULL; pathname = find_pixmap_file (filename); if (!pathname) { g_warning (_("Couldnt find pixmap file: %s"), filename); return NULL; } pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (pathname, &error); if (!pixbuf) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to load pixbuf file: %s: %s\n", pathname, error->message); g_error_free (error); } g_free (pathname); return pixbuf; } /* This is used to set ATK action descriptions. */ void glade_set_atk_action_description (AtkAction *action, const gchar *action_name, const gchar *description) { gint n_actions, i; n_actions = atk_action_get_n_actions (action); for (i = 0; i < n_actions; i++) { if (!strcmp (atk_action_get_name (action, i), action_name)) atk_action_set_description (action, i, description); } }
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